With the proper care and maintenance, leather can last a lifetime. To get the most for your money, learn how to clean a leather sofa properly so it always looks spotless and fresh. Number one leather maintenance advice: Keep it out of the sunlight. Another suggestion is to give the leather a good shine by using household furniture polish once a month. Your leather will survive for years with proper maintenance after it has been refreshed and cleaned. So, how often should you avail of couch cleaning Sydney services? We advise cleaning dark-coloured leather once a year and light-coloured leather every six months. A few unsightly stains and spills may ultimately damage a classic leather sofa, especially if they are neglected or cleaned improperly. With these easy instructions for cleaning leather sofas, you can learn to maintain the quality and beauty of your couch for years to come.
What Is the Cleaning Process for Leather Couches?
Leather furniture adds a touch of luxury to your room’s decor with its plush texture and feel. Fortunately, leather doesn’t require the rigorous upkeep you might expect with other finer things, despite its luxury. All leather chairs, couches, and chaises eventually need a little maintenance. You can hire leather sofa cleaning Sydney services or wash it at home. You can learn how to clean leather furniture easily, and the method only requires a few items that most homeowners always have on hand.
STEP 1: Thoroughly vacuum the furnishings
The first step in cleaning leather furniture is to remove all the dust and loose dirt from the couch or chair before beginning the cleaning process. A vacuum cleaner with brush attachments will make this task simple. If there are any, remember to clean in between the couch seats. When finished, use a clean microfiber cloth to clean everything.
STEP 2: Thoroughly examine the furniture
You now know which parts of the furniture are in the worst condition after inspecting it while dusting and washing it. You should concentrate the majority of your cleaning efforts on these areas.
STEP 3: Apply dilute vinegar to affected areas
You can use a simple yet efficient DIY cleanser with equal amounts of vinegar and water to care for the problem areas. Combine the two in a tiny bucket, then dab a cloth corner with the mixture. To clean the dirty areas of the leather, use the cloth until it is damp but not wet. After every few strokes, rinse the towel to prevent dirt from spreading.
STEP 4: Quickly wipe the leather
After that, apply a dry towel to the areas you cleaned with the water-and-vinegar solution, making sure to cover each one thoroughly. At no stage during the cleaning process should the leather become excessively wet; moisture is one of the leather’s enemies.
STEP 5: Dust the furniture after applying conditioner
Apply a small amount of leather conditioner to a dry cloth once you’re satisfied with cleaning your leather couch. Apply the conditioner to a discrete area of the furniture piece by rubbing it in a circular motion. Make care to work the conditioner into the leather entirely before allowing it to sit for around an hour.
If you are happy with the outcome, check the area and repeat the process, applying conditioner part by section to the remaining furniture parts. Before you sit, buff the conditioner with a clean towel and allow it completely air dry.
Just follow these simple steps for cleaning your leather couch. If you cannot find the required tools and equipment, you need not worry. You can turn to upholstery cleaning Sydney professionals with the right products and tools. With years of experience in leather lounge cleaning Sydney, they can make your sofa perfectly clean and free of dirt and stains.
Tips on How to Maintain Leather Upholstery
Now that you know how to clean leather like an expert, here are a few additional ideas on how to maintain leather furniture to ensure that it lasts a lifetime.
1. Design the placement of your furniture to safeguard the leather.
2. Do not allow your pets on leather furniture.
3. Always test any cleaning technique in a hidden area to see how it may impact the material.
4. Avoid using abrasive cleansers, furniture polish, oils, varnish, cleaning solvents, and ammonia water.
5. Use a clean, absorbent cloth or sponge to remove any excess liquid from minor spills and stains quickly. Use a soft cloth that has been lightly wet with clean, lukewarm water if necessary, then allow it to air dry naturally. Clean the entire area where the stain appeared if water is used.
6. Use a microfiber cloth or clean hands to gently buff away any minor or superficial scratches on the surface. If necessary, softly wet it with distilled water to eliminate blemishes.
7. Find a treatment designed for your type of leather to address any unique distressed spots.
8. Consult a couch cleaning Sydney specialist for assistance if the leather becomes cut or torn.
Your leather couch and other upholstery are a hefty investment that adds to the aesthetics of your room. It is best to maintain furniture regularly and clean it not only in cases of stains but every month to avoid them from getting damaged. In case you do not have time, don’t let that become an excuse for a dirty couch. You can get in touch with Sparkle Couch Cleaning Sydney technicians for deep cleaning of your leather couch and other furniture. Regular cleaning helps avoid dirt and allergens and keeps a healthy atmosphere in your room. It also saves money on replacing or buying new furniture time and again.